Saving list and loading a list

With OtsAV you are able to create a predefined list, export it (save it as a file), and at a later date have OtsAV play the list like clockwork.

This feature is great for users who want to create a playlist for a specific purpose, e.g. for a specific gig or a predefined segment for a show at a radio station.

OtsAV has two types of list file formats for export and import functionality, the Ots File List (.OFL) format, and the Ots Item List (.OIL) format.

List file icon

List File icon

Hot Tip: You are able to launch a list file in OtsAV by double-clicking on its icon. Even if OtsAV is already playing, it will elegantly fade out the current item and beginning playing the first item in the list file.


There is another list file format that enables you to export a list as a plain text file, suitable for viewing in a word-processor and/or printing. See Plain text file format.

If you need to create a file with details of every song in the Media Library (or selected categories, songs, or existing playlists) for the purposes of reporting to music licensing authorities, OtsAV can export to a .csv (comma-separated values) file.



Related Topics:

Ots Item List format

Ots File List format

Plain Text File format

CSV File format

The Ots File List Format Specification

How to make an icon automatically play a list file