Main menu




Graphic Equalizer...: Opens the Graphic Equalizer dialog box.

Dynamics Processor...: Opens the Dynamics Processor dialog box.

Output Configuration...: Opens the Audio Output Configuration dialog box.

Scratch Sampler...: Opens the Scratch Sampler dialog box.

Show Audio Pipeline...: Displays a diagram of the OtsTurntables audio pipeline.

Full-Screen Mode (Esc): Enable/Disable full screen mode.

Quick-Start Guides -> : Displays available PDF printable quick-start guides.

Help Documentation...: Launches the help documentation.

Help (On-Line)...: Launches the on-line version of the help documentation.

About...: Version and license information of OtsTurntables.

Important Notes...: Important notes pertaining to the release.

Ots Labs on the Web...: Link to Ots Labs on the internet.

License Info...: Where you enter licensing information.

Exit...: Exits the program.