Due to the fact that Ots CD Scratch 1200 Free is a free product we are unable to provide email or phone support. However we have made available the CD Scratch compiled HTML help file, included with the installation file, and CD Scratch WebHelp, found at http://www.otslabs.com/ots-cd-scratch-1200-docs/, for the purpose of technical and instructional support.
Additional technical support, in the form of email, is available with the purchase of an Ots CD Scratch 1200 Deluxe license.
If you are a distributor of hardware, or if you would like to bundle Ots CD Scratch 1200 with other software, please contact Ots Labs for distribution information and authorization.
CD Scratch website: http://www.CDScratch.com
Ots Labs website: http://www.OtsLabs.com