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Auto DJ (Ctrl + A): Enables/Disables the Auto DJ feature.
Auto Play When New CD Inserted: Enables/Disables auto play mode. In the enabled condition when a CD is inserted CD Scratch will process and play the CD automatically.
Run CD Scratch When New CD Inserted: Enables/Disables CD Scratch as the Windows default CD player.
Use Ots ACI Mixing (Recommended): Enables/Disables the Ots ACI mixing feature. In the disabled condition CD Scratch will play the raw CD content, without mixing and volume optimizing.
Restore Turntable Defaults on Eject: Enables/Disables turntable defaults on eject. When enabled the default settings will be applied to the turntable when a track is ejected.
Slow Brake Effect at Program Exit: Enables/Disables the Slow Brake effect when program is exited.
Remove Cache Entry for CD in Drive 1 to Drive 4: Clears the cache entry for the CD in the specified drive.
Audio Signature at Program Startup: Enables/Disables the Ots startup message. This option can only be disabled if you purchase an Ots CD Scratch 1200 Deluxe license.
Hercules DJ Controller -> : Controller Enabled - Enables/Disables DJ Controller, Enable Controller at Program Startup - As stated.