To display the playlist area click on the button.
Before you load your
folder you will need to consider how you would like the folder loaded.
You will need to set the Mode
and Add options on the playlist
control panel.
If you would like the folder to replace the current list click on the
button. Alternatively, if you would like to add the folder
to the current list click on the button and select one
of the Add options; will add the folder to the top of
the list; will add the folder to the end of the list (not
to be confused with the bottom of the list). For more details on the playlist
control buttons click here.
Click on the button on the playlist control panel.
Navigate to the folder of files you wish to add to the playlist. To learn about compatible file formats click here.
Select the folder you want to place in the playlist.
Click on the Open button.
The files from the folder
will be added to the playlist and checked for playability. Each file's
icon will be gray until checked and or processed. For an explanation of
the various file icon states click here.
If the files are MP3 or Wave files, and if they have not been
played in OtsTurntables before, they will be checked and processed. For
an explanation of what is occurring during processing click here.
Note: The processing of MP3 or Wave files will take a few moments per file, due to data being retrieved, analyzed and stored. This process is a once-off process due to the fact that the calculated information will be stored in an associated .OMX file.
To start playing the playlist click on the button.
Tip: With a command-line argument you are able to command OtsTurntables to automatically load a folder and randomize it. For instructions click here.
How to add a file to the playlist
How to remove an item from the playlist
How to save and load a playlist