OtsAV Decks

OtsAV has two Decks, Deck A and Deck B. These decks provide powerful real-time control of the source media.

The Decks have three states (see the Deck title bar for status).

Deck A (In Playing state)


OtsAV Deck explained


Ejects current track from the Deck.

Search for a track to load

Search for a track to load into the Deck.

Load next track from playlist

Loads the next track from the playlist.


Stop and re-cue the current track.


Plays the current track from the current position.

Fade current track and start other deck playing

Fade current track and start other deck playing.

Deck display area

Displays the current track's time information, Title, Artist, and Copyright information, Left and Right input level from the Deck, BPM values, and Item Attributes.


The current track time.


The total length of the track.


The remaining track time.


The amount of time till the trigger point.


Cycle between Slider percentages.

Pitch control slider

Enables +/- 100% pitch variance.

Tempo control slider

Enables +/- 100% tempo variance.

Track position indicator

Displays the current position in the track. Click on the Track position indicator to change the current track position.

Matches BPM to other deck.

Makes the deck the master beat clock. This feature is not yet available.

Switch between pitch and direction control

Switches between the Pitch and Direction controls.

Direction Control slider

Enables +/- 200% direction control. There are three preset direction buttons.

-100% Direction button

Sets the direction to reverse normal speed.

0% Direction button

This position will stop the deck due to 0% equaling no movement.

+100% Direction button

Sets the direction to forward normal speed.


For ultimate Deck control, we suggest using a MIDI Hardware Controller.

You can also control both Deck A and B from the keyboard using keyboard shortcuts, for details click here.


Related Topics:

MIDI Hardware Control

Deck keyboard shortcuts

Live Protection feature

Control features