How to manually build a playlist

You are able to build a playlist by manually placing items or albums in the Playlist area.

Before you begin building a playlist you may need to clear the Playlist area.

How to clear the Playlist area


How to manually build a playlist

The first step is to find the item or album you wish to add to the playlist. OtsAV has a number of tools to help you quickly access items or albums. You are able to:

Once you have built a playlist you can save it for later use. For instructions on saving and loading a playlist click here.

Hot Tip: The Work Area is a great tool for moving items to and from a playlist. The Work Area can be displayed on the right-side of the Playlist area. It can be used as a dumping ground when transferring items to and from the playlist. It is also handy for storing song requests. Click here for details.


Related Topics:

Playlist generation and options

How to remove an Item from a playlist

Playlist area