Media Library explained

The OtsAV Media Library system is an extremely powerful approach toward the cataloging and retrieval of items in your media collection. Key information is stored in the library against each item/album, which allows for instant searches based upon various criteria.

OtsAV uses the Ots Media Query Language (OMQL) to query the items contained in the Media Library. OMQL is a powerful query language that, coupled with the information within the Media Library, allows for limitless possibilities in categorizing and playlist generation.

As files are imported to the Media Library, the library grows in size. Files can also be removed from the Media Library. The library is written to disk as an Ots Media Library (.OML) file. The default OML file, OtsAVDJ.oml, is automatically loaded whenever your start OtsAV. It is possible to open and save other OML files, and in general to maintain more than one Media Library on the same machine, however this is usually of no advantage to most users and can result in confusion.

Note: The Media Library filename may be different than the one shown above, dependng on the version of OtsAV you are using.
OtsAVDJ.oml for OtsAV DJ Product License owners
OtsAVRD.oml for OtsAV Radio Product License owners
OtsAVTV.oml for OtsAV TV Product License owners
OtsAVDJt.oml for OtsAV DJ Trial users
OtsAVRDt.oml for OtsAV Radio Trial users
OtsAVTVt.oml for OtsAV TV Trial users

Some of the information that is stored in the Media Library is obtained directly from the files that you import. Examples of this type of information are the title, artist and length of each item. There are other types of information that are optionally added by the user against each item. Examples of this type of information are categories, rating and comment for each item.

If your Media Library file (.OML) is lost or destroyed, you will lose the additional information that you have added against each item. For this reason, you should backup your OML file often, and treat it with care.

You may be wondering why Ots Album files are not just enhanced so that all information is stored within them, rather than having another layer of storage at the Media Library level. The primary differences between the information which is stored in Ots files, and that which is stored at the Media Library level, is as follows:

Information stored in Ots files is not subject to debate or opinion by individual users. For example, storing song ratings in an Ots file, which is obviously a very subjective area, would make Ots files relevant only to the person who created them and set the ratings. This is not desired or part of the goals of the format. Genre, on the other hand, is pretty much an absolute, especially if you use the genre that the musician/artist him/herself has assigned to their own work.

Information stored in the Media Library can be more personalized in nature, since it is intended that each user will maintain their own Media Library. Information stored at the Media Library level is, generally speaking, more likely to be needed to be accessed/edited on the fly, while using OtsAV, without having to access or edit the underlying Ots Album files.

The Media Library has been designed to make using OtsAV and submitting OMQL queries extremely fast, easy, and efficient. The library file (.OML) allows OtsAV to start up instantly, rather than having to slowly import all Ots Album files each time you start the program.

If desired, items can be viewed or accessed by Album, as the album structure that appears in the underlying Ots file is inherited into the Media Library. When Ots Album files are edited, such as with Ots Studio, it is trivial and fast to re-import (refresh) the edited version of the file, in order that the Media Library is totally up to date. You do not even have to locate the specific files that you have edited, as OtsAV can automatically scan for any edited files and refresh the Media Library from them.

Using the Media Library and OMQL you can instantly view all items which:

You can use these queries in playlist templates to automatically generate very advanced playlists.


Related Topics:

Media Library

How to build your Media Library

Media Library area

How to query the Media Library using OMQL