Click on the Beat Info chunk for an Item. Click on the Edit... button to open the Edit Beat Info window.
This section is where all beat mixing preparation is carried out on your Ots files. Click on a section of the image below to learn more. (Consult the full Ots Studio documentation for more information).
Intro & Outro Segue buttons: Click on the Intro Select button to work on the Intro of the Item, or click on Outro Select when working on the outro of the item.
Active - allow use checkbox: When this box is un-checked, OtsAV will ignore the beat info for the section (intro or outro). Check this box to force OtsAV to beat mix either the intro, outro, or both.
M+1/2 and M-1/2 buttons: Moves the Match Point marker a 1/2 beat inwards. Use this button if the beat grid is off by half a beat.
BPM*2 button: Multiples the detected BPM value by 2. Use this button if the correct song BPM is double the auto-detected BPM.
BPM/2 button: Divides the detected BPM value by 2. Use this button if the correct song BPM is half the auto-detected BPM.
Match Point:
Displays a numerical value of the position of the Match Point marker . You won't need to enter a value here, as this figure will
change by moving the relevant Match Point markers on the waveform display
area. more...
Range Start: Displays a numerical
value of the position of the Range Start marker . more...
Range End: Displays a numerical
value of the position of the Range End marker . more...
BPM: Displays the calculated BPM. This figure will change automatically if you click the Auto Detect BPM/Range button, or when adjusting your beat markers. more...
Pre-NPI: Indicates the Pre-match point Non Percussive Intensity. A value between 0 and 100 can be entered in this box. more...
Post-NPI: Indicates the Post-match point Non Percussive Intensity. A value between 0 and 100 can be entered in this box. more...
Upper Waveform display: This area displays a zoomed section of the full waveform display. Double-clicking your mouse anywhere within the waveform display will commence playback. A single click will stop play.
To quickly move to a different part of the song, use the seek bar in the lower waveform area, or use the scroll wheel on your mouse. The zoom level can be changed by clicking on the 1:4, 1:16, 1:64, 1:256, and 1:1024 buttons.
It is within this area that Range Start, Range End, and Match Point markers can be positioned. Calculating an exact BPM, accurate to 4 and a half decimal places (e.g. 130.89209), is also performed in the Upper Waveform display area. To learn how to manually calculate an accurate BPM figure, click here.
Lower Waveform display: This area displays a waveform of the entire song. You can quickly see the intro, outro, and breaks within the song. The Range Start, Range End, and Match Point markers can also be moved in this area. This allows you to move the markers greater distances than in the Upper Waveform display area.
Double-clicking your mouse anywhere within the waveform display will commence playback. To stop playback, click your mouse once in the Upper Waveform display area.
The seek bar can be dragged to view a different part of the song in the Upper (zoomed) Waveform display area.
The Upper and Lower waveform displays may contain different colored sections.
Blue: Indicates areas that are not contained within an Intro or Outro range.
Light Orange: Indicates an active range (a range that is currently being worked on).
Dark Orange: Indicates a non-active range (the range that is not currently being worked on).
Audible Beep Marker Loop: Checking this box starts playback of the active range, with a metronome playing at the calculated BPM. If the beats of the song aren't in sync with the metronome, either your BPM value is incorrect, or your beat markers are not aligned with the beats of the song.
Follow check-box: When this box is checked, the Upper Waveform will follow the song as it is being played.
Auto Detect BPM/Range button: Calculates the BPM (Beats Per Minute) of the first 1 minute, and last 1 minute of the song, and creates 16 count Intro/Outro ranges, complete with Range Start, Match Point, and Range End markers.
1:4, 1:16, 1:64, 1:256, 1:1024 buttons: These buttons are used to zoom in and out of the Upper Waveform display.