OHM / MIDI Hardware Control menu

This section allows you configure MIDI Hardware controllers for use with OtsAV.

The following menu options are available under Options -> OHM / MIDI Hardware Control


Hardware Controller Enabled: Enables/Disables the configured MIDI Hardware controller.

Enable Controller at Program Startup: Enables the last controller that was configured when OtsAV is launched.

Note: MIDI controller needs to be powered on (and set to MIDI mode if applicable) before OtsAV is launched.


OHM / Midi Configuration...: This section allows you to select your MIDI controller, select an Ots Hardware Mapping (.OHM) file, and perform basic MIDI testing. Click here to learn more.

Command Options -- Deck A:
  Bend Type: Set the type of Bending method used on Deck A. (Pitch or Tempo)
  Scratch Type: Set the type of Bending method used on Deck A. (Pitch (Regular Scratching) or Tempo (Zorphing))

Command Options -- Deck B:
 Bend Type: Set the type of Bending method used on Deck B. (Pitch or Tempo)
 Scratch Type: Set the type of Bending method used on Deck B. (Pitch (Regular Scratching) or Tempo (Zorphing))

Set OMHL Source Code Editor...: Choose your preferred text editing program to make changes to your .OHM files.



OHM / Midi Configuration... dialog box:

Input Device: Select the MIDI Hardware Controller that will be controlling OtsAV. (some controllers may be listed as a USB Audio Device)

Output Device: Select the MIDI Hardware Controller that OtsAV will be controlling OtsAV. (some controllers may be listed as a USB Audio Device)

Note: Only controllers that support 2-way MIDI can be used.


OHML File: Select the mapping file (.OHM) to use with the selected MIDI Hardware Controller.


Edit: Opens the selected .OHM file in a text editing program.

Tip: Don't edit any .OHM files that begin with (Ots), as these have been carefully created by Ots Labs. If you want to edit an existing (Ots) .OHM file, create a copy of it first, and make changes to the copy.


Enabled: Enables/Disables the configured MIDI Hardware controller.


Enable at Program Startup: Enables the last controller that was configured when OtsAV is launched.


Last Input Code: Displays the MIDI code received from a connected MIDI Hardware Controller. This can be used when editing/creating your own .OHM files.


Copy: Copies the MIDI code into the Windows Clipboard, ready for pasting into your .OHM file.


Output: Enter a MIDI code for your connected controller and click on the Send button to test the results on your controller. This is handy for testing LEDs.


Send: Sends the entered MIDI code to the connected controller.



Refresh All: Refreshes Input Device, Output Device and OHML File drop-down selection lists, and, disables/re-enables controller / OHM.


Related Topics:

MIDI Hardware controllers

Pitch/Tempo Bending




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